Vadim Smirnov

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  • in reply to: Personal Firewalls #5701
    Vadim Smirnov

      TDI filter (filter driver for the MSTCP devices DeviceTcp, DeviceUdp, DeviceIp, DeviceRawIp, DeviceMULTICAST) detects the network operation running in the context of calling thread/process. The same is true for the LSP DLL (another weaker approach for application level firewalls).

      in reply to: if i have two or more adapter connect to the Internet #5704
      Vadim Smirnov

        An example, it can be done like in the code below (I’m sorry C code only)

        TCP_AdapterList		AdList;
        CNdisApi api;
        ETH_REQUEST Request;
        INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER PacketBuffer;
        HANDLE hEvent[32];
        DWORD dwAdapterCount;

        int InitHandles()
        api.GetTcpipBoundAdaptersInfo ( &AdList );

        ADAPTER_MODE Mode;


        dwAdapterCount = AdList.m_nAdapterCount ;

        // Create notification events
        for(int nCount = 0; nCount < dwAdapterCount; nCount++)
        hEvent[nCount] = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);

        Mode.hAdapterHandle = (HANDLE)AdList.m_nAdapterHandle[nCount];

        // Set event for helper driver
        if ((!hEvent[nCount])||(!api.SetPacketEvent((HANDLE)AdList.m_nAdapterHandle[nCount], hEvent[nCount])))
        printf ("Failed to create notification event or set it for driver.n");
        return 0;


        return 1;

        void ReleaseHandles()
        // This function releases packets in the adapter queue and stops listening the interface
        ADAPTER_MODE Mode;

        for(int nCount = 0; nCount < dwAdapterCount; nCount++)
        Mode.dwFlags = 0;
        Mode.hAdapterHandle = (HANDLE)AdList.m_nAdapterHandle[nCount];

        // Set NULL event to release previously set event object
        api.SetPacketEvent(AdList.m_nAdapterHandle[nCount], NULL);

        // Close Event
        if (hEvent[nCount])
        CloseHandle ( hEvent[nCount+1] );

        // Set default adapter mode

        // Empty adapter packets queue
        api.FlushAdapterPacketQueue (AdList.m_nAdapterHandle[nCount]);


        int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        ether_header* pEthHeader = NULL;
        iphdr* pIpHeader = NULL;
        DWORD dwEvent;


        printf ("Driver not installed on this system of failed to load.n");
        return 0;


        atexit (ReleaseHandles);

        while (TRUE)
        dwEvent = WaitForMultipleObjects (dwAdapterCount, hEvent, FALSE, INFINITE );


        // Initialize Request
        ZeroMemory ( &Request, sizeof(ETH_REQUEST) );
        ZeroMemory ( &PacketBuffer, sizeof(INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER) );
        Request.EthPacket.Buffer = &PacketBuffer;
        Request.hAdapterHandle = (HANDLE)AdList.m_nAdapterHandle[dwEvent-1];


        pEthHeader = (ether_header*)PacketBuffer.m_IBuffer;
        pIpHeader = (iphdr*)(PacketBuffer.m_IBuffer + ETHER_HEADER_LENGTH);

        if (PacketBuffer.m_dwDeviceFlags == PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND)
        // Place packet on the network interface
        // Indicate packet to MSTCP



        return 0;
        in reply to: Personal Firewalls #5699
        Vadim Smirnov

          I have always used system wide dll inject, but is there really any reason to do it when you have such privilleges on the machine? I see that things can be done easier by hijacking APIs in Kernel-Mode. (i’m still a n00b in that matter)

          It’s a great luck for us that the majority of malware authors are not familier with kernel mode programming. Otherwise, numerous kernel-mode trojans… Terrific… 😯

          AV companies prognose such a future, but I always hope for the better 🙄 😉

          in reply to: if i have two or more adapter connect to the Internet #5702
          Vadim Smirnov

            With WinpkFilter you can capture packets from any amount of adapters (using dedicated for each with WaitForSingleObject, or using single thread for all adapters with WaitForMultiplyObjects).

            Another question is how to determine wich adapters are of your interest (connected to the Internet). There is no universal way to do it. If default Internet connection can be determined as the default route ( mask then other Internet connections look similar to LAN connections.

            in reply to: Personal Firewalls #5697
            Vadim Smirnov

              You can do about anything if the malware includes kernel-mode component. The majority of users are usually logged on as user with Administrator rights which has the priviledge to install and load drivers. So there is no actual problem for the malware to install such a component (it can be even the primary component of the malware).

              Since such kernel-mode component can bypass firewall by many different ways, such as:

              1) Execution in the context of priviledged process (even simply create thread in the context of System process),.
              2) Blocking/cheating firewall components.
              3) Using it’s own protocol module and working with network directly.
              4) Working with TCPIP.SYS devices directly bypassing any possible upper level TDI filters.
              5) and so on…

              in reply to: Personal Firewalls #5695
              Vadim Smirnov

                I am very curious how does popular personal firewall like ZoneAlarm work. When they discover outgoing packets, how do they know what program is sending them?

                Usually they utilize NDIS level filter and TDI one.

                Do all such firewalls work similarily?

                From the general point of view the answer is YES, but concrete realization and set of features can be very different.

                I was thinking if any malware application could fake returned command line so the firewall would think it’s the other process. Is it possible?

                Yes, this is possible.

                in reply to: Error in sample #5694
                Vadim Smirnov

                  Hmm, it is difficult to say what actually happens because I don’t know how you’ve created the code for the DLL. The original sample (console application) had not such problems, so probably it is somehow relative to moving the code into the DLL…

                  in reply to: Remove NeT Filter from Win2k Server #5692
                  Vadim Smirnov

                    Uninstall process should remove all NeT Firewall components; however I don’t exclude the collision. Please check the registry key below, if it exists then just remove it and reboot (this is kernel component registry key). If it is not then probably your problems are caused by something else.


                    Hope it helps…

                    P.S. I would be gratefull if you could explain the problems you’d expirienced with NeT Firewall.

                    in reply to: Net Firewall reliability on NT #5690
                    Vadim Smirnov


                      I have it running on the web server (Windows Server 2003 Web Edition) for about 3 months (up to this day) without reboot. So probably it should fit your requirements…

                      in reply to: etherbridge is too slow #5688
                      Vadim Smirnov

                        Etherbridge is an expiremental driver and it was not updated for a long time. In some configurations it works, but in others don’t. In your case driver looks to overload system with packets duplications…

                        in reply to: Hello. I have some question in Local host Monitor #5687
                        Vadim Smirnov

                          There is no proof and easy way to get full process path. This topic was discussed (in russian) in Windows Internals forum. Two ways were proposed (first is easier but second is more reliable):

                          ZwQueryInformationProcess ( NtCurrentProcess(), ProcessBasicInformation, &ProcInfo, sizeof(ProcInfo), 0);


                          1. Get EPROCESS using IoGetCurrentProcess().
                          2. For NT 4.0 and 5.0 get SectionHandle using ObReferenceObjectByHandle() get SectionObject; for NT 5.1 just get SectionObject from EPROCESS.
                          3. From SectionObject get SegmentObject.
                          4. From SegmentObject get ControlArea.
                          5. From ControlArea get FilePointer (FileObjec pointert).
                          6. Using ObQueryNameString() get full path for the process.

                          in reply to: LHMon Api m_SystemTime question #5680
                          Vadim Smirnov

                            This value is filled using KeQuerySystemTime (equal to user-mode NtQuerySystemTime). Here is the short description:

                            “System time is a count of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601. System time is typically updated approximately every ten milliseconds. This value is computed for the GMT time zone.” (Windows DDK help)

                            In order to convert the m_SystemTime to SYSTEMTIME structure do the following:

                            1) Copy m_SystemTime to FILETIME structure (don’t use simple typecast, because alignment can be different).
                            2) Call FileTimeToSystemTime.

                            in reply to: How to control the network access? #5679
                            Vadim Smirnov

                              If you control DeviceTcp, DeviceUdp, DeviceIp, DeviceRawIp and DeviceMULTICAST then you have complete control over application’s (IE, ICQ, Outlook and etc…) access to the MS TCP/IP network stack. Under control I mean ability to block any network activity (create socket, listen port, connect remote host and et…). Is that your question?

                              But this does not mean that you control all network activity of the system, because it may have another network protocols installed (IPv6 an example). But even without installing additional protocols, control over TDI is not the same as control over network. If you try to block the network with your TDI filter then MS TCP/IP still continue packet routing, it still replies ICMP ping, network file and folder sharing still works and etc… This is because mentioned network activities never reach TDI level.

                              I hope I’ve answered your question…

                              in reply to: How to control the network access? #5677
                              Vadim Smirnov

                                I don’t understand what actually you mean under “control control the network of the system”. Please clarify if you need the correct answer…

                                in reply to: Bridging? #5670
                                Vadim Smirnov

                                  I have not code for WinpkFilter, but the routines below demonstrate how I did it in Ethernet Bridge. Doing this using WinpkFilter is very similar. Please note, that you should also set NDIS flags NDIS_FLAGS_SKIP_LOOPBACK | NDIS_FLAGS_DONT_LOOPBACK before sending the packet over the network in order to avoid it to indicated back (in the code below it is done inside UF_SendPacketToAdapter but I did not provided it).

                                  VOID FLT_FilterReceivedPacket (
                                  NDIS_HANDLE NdisBindingHandle,
                                  PINTERMEDIATE_BUFFER pBuffer
                                  // Processing relative declarations
                                  PUSHORT pEtherType;

                                  //Adapter and protocol relative structures

                                  PPROTOCOL_ENTRY pProto;
                                  PADAPTER_ENTRY pAdapter, pReceivedAdapter;

                                  DbgPrint ( "FLT_FilterReceivedPacket pBuffer->m_Lengh = %d...n", pBuffer->m_Length );

                                  // DbgPrint ( "FLT_FilterReceivedPacket entered...n" );

                                  // .... process packet here....

                                  // We dump packet content here
                                  //DbgPrint ("nRCV:n");
                                  //DbgPrint ("MACS: DEST %.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X SOURCE: %.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2Xn",
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[0],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[1],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[2],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[3],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[4],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[5],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[6],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[7],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[8],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[9],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[10],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[11]
                                  // );

                                  pEtherType = (PUSHORT) pBuffer->m_IBuffer;
                                  pEtherType += ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS;

                                  /* switch( htons( *pEtherType ) )
                                  case ETHERTYPE_IP:
                                  DbgPrint ("IP packet: ");
                                  ipHdr = ( PIP_HEADER ) &pBuffer->m_IBuffer[MHdrSize];
                                  DbgPrint ( " %u.%u.%u.%u ---> %u.%u.%u.%un",
                                  case ETHERTYPE_ARP:
                                  DbgPrint ("ARP packet:");
                                  arpPkt = ( PARP_PACKET ) pBuffer->m_IBuffer;
                                  DbgPrint ( " %u.%u.%u.%u ---> %u.%u.%u.%u ?n",
                                  case ETHERTYPE_REVARP:
                                  DbgPrint ("REVARP packet:n");
                                  DbgPrint ("Uknown type n");
                                  // Simply indicate packet to protocol
                                  UF_SendPacketToProtocol (

                                  // Send packet to all other network interfaces if bridging enabled

                                  if ( g_BridgingStatus )
                                  // Locate adapter and protocol entryes associated with operation
                                  pReceivedAdapter = MF_FindAdapterByBindingHandle( NdisBindingHandle, &pProto);

                                  pAdapter = ( PADAPTER_ENTRY ) pProto -> m_AdaptersList.Flink;

                                  // Walk the list of binded adapters
                                  while ( pAdapter != ( PADAPTER_ENTRY ) &pProto -> m_AdaptersList )
                                  if ( pAdapter != pReceivedAdapter)
                                  // Packet was receved not from this adapter
                                  // Simply send packet onto this interface

                                  // DbgPrint ("Duplicating packet on the another interface...n");

                                  if (osMajorVersion == 5 && osMinorVersion > 0)
                                  UF_SendPacketToAdapter ( &pAdapter->m_XPOpenBlock, pBuffer );
                                  UF_SendPacketToAdapter ( &pAdapter->m_W2kOpenBlock, pBuffer );

                                  // Also indicate packet to TCPIP from the name of this interface
                                  if (osMajorVersion == 5 && osMinorVersion > 0)
                                  UF_SendPacketToProtocol (
                                  UF_SendPacketToProtocol (

                                  pAdapter = (PADAPTER_ENTRY) pAdapter->m_qLink.Flink;

                                  // Free intermediate buffer
                                  IB_FreeIntermediateBuffer ( pBuffer );

                                  // Name: FLT_FilterSendPacket
                                  // Description: Routine for filtering outgoing packets, place packet processing code
                                  // here
                                  // Return value: None
                                  // Parameters:
                                  // NdisBindingHandle - network interface binding handle
                                  // pBuffer - pointer to intermediate buffer
                                  // NOTE: None
                                  // **********************************************************************************

                                  VOID FLT_FilterSendPacket (
                                  NDIS_HANDLE NdisBindingHandle,
                                  PINTERMEDIATE_BUFFER pBuffer
                                  // Processing relative declarations
                                  PUSHORT pEtherType;

                                  //Adapter and protocol relative structures

                                  PPROTOCOL_ENTRY pProto;
                                  PADAPTER_ENTRY pAdapter, pSentAdapter;

                                  DbgPrint ( "FLT_FilterSendPacket pBuffer->m_Lengh = %d...n", pBuffer->m_Length );

                                  // DbgPrint ( "FLT_FilterSendPacket entered...n" );

                                  // .... process packet here....

                                  // We dump packet content here
                                  // DbgPrint ("nSEND:n");
                                  // DbgPrint ("MACS: DEST %.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X SOURCE: %.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2Xn",
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[0],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[1],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[2],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[3],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[4],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[5],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[6],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[7],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[8],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[9],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[10],
                                  // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[11]
                                  // );

                                  pEtherType = (PUSHORT) pBuffer->m_IBuffer;
                                  pEtherType += ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS;

                                  /* switch( htons( *pEtherType ) )
                                  case ETHERTYPE_IP:
                                  DbgPrint ("IP packet: ");
                                  ipHdr = ( PIP_HEADER ) &pBuffer->m_IBuffer[MHdrSize];
                                  DbgPrint ( " %u.%u.%u.%u ---> %u.%u.%u.%un",
                                  case ETHERTYPE_ARP:
                                  DbgPrint ("ARP packet:");
                                  arpPkt = ( PARP_PACKET ) pBuffer->m_IBuffer;
                                  DbgPrint ( " %u.%u.%u.%u ---> %u.%u.%u.%u ?n",
                                  case ETHERTYPE_REVARP:
                                  DbgPrint ("REVARP packet:n");
                                  DbgPrint ("Uknown type n");

                                  // Simply send packet onto network
                                  UF_SendPacketToAdapter (

                                  // Send packet to all other network interfaces if bridging enabled

                                  if ( g_BridgingStatus )
                                  // Locate adapter and protocol entryes associated with operation
                                  pSentAdapter = MF_FindAdapterByBindingHandle( NdisBindingHandle, &pProto);

                                  pAdapter = ( PADAPTER_ENTRY ) pProto -> m_AdaptersList.Flink;

                                  // Walk the list of binded adapters
                                  while ( pAdapter != ( PADAPTER_ENTRY ) &pProto -> m_AdaptersList )
                                  if ( pAdapter != pSentAdapter)
                                  // Packet was sent not to this adapter
                                  // Simply send packet onto this interface

                                  // DbgPrint ("Duplicating packet on the another interface...n");

                                  if (osMajorVersion == 5 && osMinorVersion > 0)
                                  UF_SendPacketToAdapter (
                                  UF_SendPacketToAdapter (

                                  pAdapter = (PADAPTER_ENTRY) pAdapter->m_qLink.Flink;

                                  // Free intermediate buffer
                                  IB_FreeIntermediateBuffer ( pBuffer );
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