Vadim Smirnov

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  • in reply to: NAT with XP firewall openned #5813
    Vadim Smirnov

      Windows XP firewall can be configured to do drop/pass the packets you want. On the other hand WinpkFilter driver processes packets before TCP/IP stack and built-in firewall so basically you can make routing yourself.

      in reply to: Help needed ! #5812
      Vadim Smirnov

        It’s the length of ethernet (802.3) packet header which is 14 bytes.

        #define ETHER_HEADER_LENGTH 14

        in reply to: WinpkFilter to drop packets. LocalHost to resolve ProcessID. #5810
        Vadim Smirnov

          Нет готового нет, шаблон для 9x TDI фильтра есть например в VToolsD, так что в принципе сделать аналог можно. Шаблон для LSP есть в MSDN. Так что в принципе задача не слишком сложно решается.

          in reply to: WinpkFilter to drop packets. LocalHost to resolve ProcessID. #5808
          Vadim Smirnov

            Для поддержки 98 нужно делать отдельный драйвер (там совсем по другому выстроен сетевой стек), или использовать LSP.

            in reply to: WinpkFilter to drop packets. LocalHost to resolve ProcessID. #5806
            Vadim Smirnov

              Можно ли получить (купить) такую модификацию драйвера (LHMON я так понимаю), которая сообщает только про создание/удаление соединений и не логирует сами пакеты (это будет делать WinpkFilter)?

              Можно при условии приобретения Developer или Source Code лицензии.

              in reply to: WinpkFilter to drop packets. LocalHost to resolve ProcessID. #5804
              Vadim Smirnov

                Идея вроде ясна. Но, данное сопоставление оказывается ненадежным вовсе не из-за портов (типа, надо просто локальные сравнивать), а из-за того, что пакет от “LocalHost” приходит позже, чем пакет от “WinpkFilter”. Т.е. возможно заблокировать только последующие пакеты, с опозданием, упустив их некоторое количество. Вроде и ничего, но возможна путаница, когда неблокируемое приложение займет локальный порт сразу за тем, как там пыталось работать то приложение, пакеты которого должны дропаться.

                Да правильно, я рекомендовал использовать TDI-фильтр (аналогичный LHMON) или LSP для сбора информации процесс<->адрес.порт. Но перехватывать именно пакет данных для построения таблицы соотвествий не нужно. До того момента как любой пакет достигнет NDIS а затем и TDI для него уже существуют ассоциированные структуры представляющие собой соединение (сокет) по которым можно сопоставить пакет процессу(с оговоркой если для пакета существует ассоциированный процесс). LHMON как сниффер не логирует (для user-mode клиента) создаваемые/уничтожаемые соединения но сами эти события отслеживает, чем меньше событий логируется тем меньше нагрузка на процессор (чтение каждой записи лога это переключение контекста). Кстати для одного заказчика делалась модификация драйвера который так же логировал возникновение соединений, для подобных фаервольных целей насколько я понимаю…

                in reply to: WinPKFilter: MTU decrement broken ? #5803
                Vadim Smirnov

                  I assume you have expirienced problem with the recently generated custom build. The update was sent to you, there was a registry configuration problem skipped by standard custom build tests. I’m really sorry that it has happened
                  with your build.

                  If you meet any problems with the custom build please contact directly, so we can faster check the issue. Thanks for your patience.

                  in reply to: Urgent need of info #5802
                  Vadim Smirnov

                    There are no know compatibility problems with XP built-in firewall.

                    the firewall “eats” all the processing power

                    Which process takes the most of processor time?

                    in reply to: Kerio & WinPKFilter? #5795
                    Vadim Smirnov

                      Hmm, this is pretty strange, probably the driver start setting you have used have a problem in this case. As I had mentioned before driver should start after NDIS.SYS and before TCPIP.SYS in order to intercept TCP/IP protocols registration and binding adapter’s process. This is the only required condition. Regretfully I can’t say more without putting hands on these systems…

                      in reply to: Kerio & WinPKFilter? #5793
                      Vadim Smirnov

                        Probably all these systems have some common software which prevents WinpkFilter from working normally. Without using the kernel debugger it’s usually not easy to detect the conflicting software. What kind of VPN software do you use? It can be also based on NDIS hooking drivers and conflict with WinpkFilter.

                        WInpkFilter is fully compatible with Windows built-in firewall and ICS.

                        in reply to: Kerio & WinPKFilter? #5791
                        Vadim Smirnov

                          1. I should to change these values (Group: “Streams Drivers” Start: 1) in the registry?

                          Current WinpkFilter build installed with the settings above.

                          3. If I later unistall Kerio, these values will not break work of the driver?

                          No, there is no actual dependency from the Kerio driver.

                          Driver can’t to detect network cards RTL8139/810X Family Sad
                          (Windows XP SP2) – any comments?

                          There are no problems with any network cards because the details of realization or each one are hidden inside NDIS. The problem you have expirienced rather specific to the software installed (firewalls, traffic counting monitoring tools and etc.). Also it may appear that the driver start load order is broken…

                          in reply to: Kerio & WinPKFilter? #5789
                          Vadim Smirnov

                            Can you give more info about it?
                            How I must install driver?
                            What version of Kerio has conflict with WinPKFilter?

                            Actually the only requirement for WinpkFilter driver is starting between NDIS.SYS and TCPIP.SYS, but some hooking drivers(like the case with Kerio) may add additional conditions (like start before or after these drivers). In case with Kerio the conflict was detected when WinpkFilter driver strats before Kerio driver, but the problem gone if WinpkFilter starts after Kerio. Thats why we had changed load order to “Streams Drivers” Start:1. However, the situation may change from release to release (by the date of the post mentioned the problem was with the newest Kerio release, and there were no problems with previous releases).

                            in reply to: Net Firewall Blocking Packets On A Low Security Interface #5787
                            Vadim Smirnov

                              You can create PASS ALL rule for the interface you want to disable NeT Firewall at. This rule should have highest priority(an example ID=1).

                              in reply to: Net Firewall Blocking Packets On A Low Security Interface #5784
                              Vadim Smirnov

                                Could you please e-mail the screenshot of the log with blocked packets and the screenshot of the rules list to

                                in reply to: Net Firewall Blocking Packets On A Low Security Interface #5782
                                Vadim Smirnov

                                  By default only fragmented packets are dropped in low security mode, others are passed.

                                  What the reason is speciifed for blocked packets? Is it a rule or just General Security Policy?

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