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Of course you can implement the routing by yourself. You can read packet from one interface, check/modify and forward to another using NDISAPI interface. You have to support you own routing table and etc.. to implement this properly. IHMO it is doable, but there is easier way…
Personally I prefer to let the MSTCP to do the routing work like it is done in Internet Gateway advanced sample This is very similar to what you need but the routing operation is performed by MSTCP, so probably it should help you to start.
Can I use WinpkFilter run-time libraries (from the site) to make such application?
Yes, these libraries are fully functional and you can use them for the development.
On my computer, the list of available adapters includes a “WAN Network Interface (IP)” adapter. If I attempt to send a generic Ethernet packet through this adapter, using SendPacketToAdapter(), it causes my Windows XP SP3 VMware Server instance to fault and reboot. I didn’t test for this on other computers.
This is a know issue. If you try to send packet with incorrect Ethernet header on the NDISWANIP (WAN Network Interface (IP)) it may crash the NDIS.SYS. NDISWAN uses Ethernet addresses from the packet header to identify the exact WAN link (actually bytes from Ethernet header used as an index in the WAN links table). If the index for the table is wrong NDISWAN references incorrect memory and crashes. So you should be very careful with what packet you send on NDISWANIP.
The only way it can be fixed is checking Ethernet header for WAN interface in driver and dropping packets with incorrect headers (not associated with any active WAN links). However, from other side this would add some sort of limitation to what you can do with WInpkFilter (I can imagine the situation with layered filters which uses Ethernet addresses for some sort of remapping). So dealing with this issue was left to developers who use WInpkFilter. By request this special check can be added to the driver custom build.
Well, do U have any schedule when to ship a vista/2008 version?
Hopefully in the next couple of months 🙂
1) can I make mentioned miniport driver using WinPkFilter?
In case of using WinpkFilter you even don’t need to create an extra miniport driver. You can intercept RTP packets between the physical network card and TCP/IP stack, set the QOS bits, recalculate checksums and re-inject packets back into the stack.
2) Does application need admin rights to load this driver?
You need admin rights to install the driver, not to use.
Explain what you don’t understand, otherwise it is difficult to advise…
Interesting behavior, I have never heard about anything like this before and I suspect this is somehow specific to particular TCP/IP stack implementation.
INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER.m_Length indicates the total size of the buffers containing packet data which were indicated from the NIC to MSTCP OR sent by MSTCP to NIC. So this is a system specific value, it is not taken/calculated from packet headers.
In the meantime NeT Firewall does not support Windows 2008 because of the serious changes in the network stack introduced by 2008/Vista. We do plan to add Vista/2008 support in the near future.
I’m sorry, I’ve been a bit overloaded last time. I just need an to find some time to update an INF file, VirtNet driver itself rebuilds without any problems for x64.
January 12, 2009 at 8:40 am in reply to: [WinpkFilter] Failed to load helper driver (Delphi) #6742Да вообще странно как-то, косяк компилятора, разбираться не особенно хочется. WWWCensor ищет по всему пакету, он не разбирает запросы. Но проверяет только пакеты пришедшие с 80 порта или уходящие на 80 порт. Так что в общем-то в нем нужно поменять только номер порта или сделать порт параметром командной строки. Ну и соответственно сделать так чтобы он на две строчки проверял а не на одну.
January 3, 2009 at 8:10 am in reply to: [WinpkFilter] Failed to load helper driver (Delphi) #6739Happy New Year to you too!
Very strange issue, if standard samples run fine and you use standard build of the WinpkFilter driver (named NDISRD) then there should not be any problems with using it from Delphi. However, Delphi samples originally were developed and tested from Delphi 7 environment. I don’t know how it is different from CodeGear Delphi 2009. Does Delphi 2009 .NET based or it still generates pure Win32 code?
I have attached Delphi 7 compiled binaries. If these binaries also run fine on your system then this is probably something relative to Delphi 2009 code generation/project settings. Let me know how it works.
Лучше запоминать идентификатор процесса в момент создания address/connection objects, эти операции обычно не откладываются и обьект создается именно в контексте вызывающего процесса.
You can turn on routing on Windows system and it will route the packet without additional efforts from your side.
You have only to make user authentication on the internal interface and NAT on the eternal (if necessary).
Refer Internet Gateway sample for the details about NAT. Install script for this sample also turns on routing (NSIS script function):
Function EnableRouter
SetRebootFlag true
${If} ${IsNT}
WriteRegDWORD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters IPEnableRouter 1
WriteRegDWORD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesVxDMstcp EnableRouting 1
WriteRegDWORD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesVxDMstcp IPEnableRouter 1
I don’t know if it helps but I would try to call NdisMIndicateStatus with NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_DISCONNECT and then with NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_CONNECT. Probably you will be queried for MAC address after these indications, but I have never tried anything like this.
If you are still able to install WInpkFilter NDIS IM driver on that system then probably you doing something wrong when using snetcfg.