Vadim Smirnov

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  • in reply to: Regarding FlushAdapterPacketQueue #6931
    Vadim Smirnov

      Actually what exactly happens after calling SendPacketToAdapter or SendPacketToMstcp it will remove from the adapter queue or not also if i call FlushAdapterPacketQueue which packets will be clear exactly means the packets which are in queue or some other means new packets?

      SendPacketToAdapter and SendPacketToMstcp don’t affect adapter packet queue, but ReadPacket does. The packet is added to the queue when it comes from the MSTCP or from the network and removed from the queue when you read it.

      in reply to: Regarding FlushAdapterPacketQueue #6929
      Vadim Smirnov

        What exactly the flushadapterpacketqueue will do?

        If there are packets queued for the particular network adapter they are removed from the queue and silently dropped.

        Also at what frequency the packets will enter in queue means my packet processing is slow or what?

        If the queue reaches its maximum size and causes newly coming packets to be dropped then probably your packet processing is slow. However, in reality packet queue size may vary depending of the system load.

        Normally flushing packets is supposed to be used when you finish with packet processing and want to deallocate resources.

        in reply to: Developing a forwarding application #6900
        Vadim Smirnov

          WinpkFilter orders are processed by Plimus e-commerce provider ( I think it makes sense for you to contact their support regarding the bills you need from them.

          in reply to: Hook driver and IM driver #6928
          Vadim Smirnov

            Hook driver won’t be displayed in network connection properties. However, it worth to mention that NDIS IM driver also can be hidden from the network connection properties if needed.

            in reply to: Driver not loading in windows xp service pack 3 #6923
            Vadim Smirnov

              Manual WinpkFilter driver installation is covered by my post above. As for possible network configuration problems it is not that easy to advise as I have no idea what may have happen. Most probably there was unsuccessful instillation of the driver which has left some remnants in the system registry and does not allow to install the driver once again. You can check if the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesndisrd exists on the target system.

              in reply to: Driver not loading in windows xp service pack 3 #6921
              Vadim Smirnov

                If snetcfg fails then may be this is something wrong with system network configuration. I would recommend to try manual installation and see if it works first.

                in reply to: Hook driver and IM driver #6926
                Vadim Smirnov

                  If i want to install the driver through snetcfg there we are specifying the names like ndisrd.inf and ndisrd_m.inf these relate to which driver exactly like IM driver or hook driver.

                  NDIS IM

                  Also one more question if i install hook driver it will not display in Network properties?


                  in reply to: Hook driver and IM driver #6924
                  Vadim Smirnov

                    These drivers are different by their architecture and only one of them can be installed, otherwise you meet a conflict conditions (both drivers share the same name).

                    It does not really matters which of the drivers is to use for XP, NDIS hook is easier to install but requires system reboot. While NDIS IM is more complex to install but in most cases reboot is not needed.

                    in reply to: Driver not loading in windows xp service pack 3 #6919
                    Vadim Smirnov

                      Have you had enough privilege to install the driver? Also can you try to install NDIS IM driver manually for the case if something went wrong with snetcfg utility:

                      Prepare a floppy disk (or installation directory) that contains these files: ndisrd.inf, ndisrd_m.inf and ndisrd.sys. On the desktop, right-click the My Network Places icon and choose Properties. Right-click on the relevant Local Area Connection icon and choose Properties. Click Install, then Service, then Add, then Have Disk. Browse to the drive/directory containing the files listed above. Click OK. This should show “WinpkFilter Driver” in a list of Network Services. Highlight this and click OK. This should install the WinpkFilter driver. Click OK or Yes each time the system prompts with a warning regarding installation of unsigned files. This is necessary because binaries generated via the DDK build environment are not signed. Two .INF files are needed rather than one because WinpkFilter is installed both as a protocol and a miniport.

                      This is not a usual case as WinpkFilter does not have any known issues with Windows XP SP3, most probably something has prevented driver from being installed.

                      in reply to: Developing a forwarding application #6897
                      Vadim Smirnov

                        Fro 32 bit systems yes, but for Vista/7/2008 x64 you can’t load unsigned driver unless you load system in special mode.

                        in reply to: Driver not loading in windows xp service pack 3 #6917
                        Vadim Smirnov

                          Which driver have you tried to install? NDIS IM or NDIS hook one (there are options for Windows XP)? Have you rebooted the system after installation?

                          in reply to: Developing a forwarding application #6895
                          Vadim Smirnov

                            How can I do to obtain this certificate ?

                            An example from VerySign

                            Will it be ok for the VirtNet source code if I purchage the developer update, since I have no modifications to do ?

                            Yes, it will be ok.

                            But if my software runs well and I don’t need neither support nor upgrades, will I still have the right to sell my products using your driver or will I have to renew my subscription ?

                            No, you have not to renew after one year (and can continue to distribute your software) but you can purchase the renewal anytime when you really need some updates.

                            Another question, I don’t remember if the driver works with Windows 7 64 bits ; if it’s not the case will I have the new version if it’s released within one year ?

                            Windows 7 is already supported.

                            in reply to: Developing a forwarding application #6892
                            Vadim Smirnov

                              – I need to forward packets for WAN links or interfaces ; in order to do NAT I need to know what is the IP of this interface/connection. For the connection, I can use the RAS_LINKS structure. But is there another way for the interface than looking in the registry with the device ID ?

                              – I also need to know the DNS server(s) from these interface/connection. For the interface I can look into the same key of the registry ; but for the connection, I don’t know how to find it (the information is also in the registry, but how can I proceed to know its ID ?)

                              You can use IP helper API for these tasks, there is no way to do that with WinpkFilter driver.

                              Since I know now I can use your driver and API, I’ll have to purchase it. How does it work after, I download a package containing all tools to install it or so ? I’d need to perform a silent install of the driver, is this possible ?
                              Other question, are the sources of the VirtNet adapter available in this package ? It would be nice if I could rename it with the name of my company.

                              Creating the silent installation for WinpkFilter driver is possible. The only important thing you have to care is obtaining code signing certificate and sign driver binaries to avoid Unknown Publisher warnings and allow WinpkFilter driver to load on Vista/7 x64 in normal mode. If you license WinpkFilter I will deliver you VirtNet source code for free.

                              in reply to: Developing a forwarding application #6889
                              Vadim Smirnov

                                If to be honest I already lost the idea of where you are in your development. Could you describe the particular problem in details?

                                in reply to: Developing a forwarding application #6886
                                Vadim Smirnov

                                  Your applications tries to read packet only one time and then exits if fails to read one, while packetsniffer and passthru wait for packets to be available. This is the difference.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 766 through 780 (of 1,476 total)