Vadim Smirnov

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  • in reply to: When to recalculate RecalculateIPChecksum ? #7008
    Vadim Smirnov

      Using 127.XXX.XXX.XXX for redirection is senseless because in Windows such packets never reach NDIS level. You should use local real IP address instead.

      in reply to: Hook driver in x64.. #7007
      Vadim Smirnov

        Using NDIS hooking approach on x64 systems is far more complex than on x86 because NDIS image is protected by PatchGuard. In general it is possible to disable PatchGuard, but IMHO it is too deep and complicated hack into the system to be used in production environment.

        in reply to: WinPkFilter doesn’t work when I’m using VPN #6991
        Vadim Smirnov

          There are more and more devices (4G or 3G broadband USB stick) coming out with different types and I want to let WinPkFilter to see the packets from them.

          These devices normally has wan or ethernet (if vendor provides ethernet emulation software) media type. Since Windows 7 new media type was added (Mobile Brodband stack) named ppip. All these media types are supported by WinpkFilter drivers.

          I can set up as “no lower” type in filtermediatype but that will filter all the devices which I prefer not doing. Any idea what I can do?

          Yes, thats right, installing on nolower media type does not have much sense. The only real world case is supporting filtering over VMWare virtual network interfaces. If VMWare adapters is a “must have” requirement I would find to find a workaround for it, may be change VMWare adapter media type to ethernet.

          If I want to update the filter intermediate driver, do I have to delete all the cached inf/pnf files?

          The only way to update an NDIS IM driver is to remove the old NetService and install the new version of the NetService. NetCfg does not do ‘updates’ for NetService entries. If INF files specifies a newer version of driver it should work as expected. Earlier if driver is already installed you could just replace the driver binary and reboot, however I’m not sure if it will succesfully deal with driver signing requirements as CAT file also changed.

          in reply to: WinpkFilter news/updates. #5512
          Vadim Smirnov

            WinpkFilter 3.0.8 released. This update introduces NDIS 6.0 LightWeight Filter driver to be replace NDIS 5.0 IM driver for Windows Vista/7.

            If you are eligible for a free update, please send the following details to tо receive an update instruction:

            1) Your order ID.
            2) An approximate date of purchasing.

            in reply to: изменение http пакета #7000
            Vadim Smirnov

              Внимательно читайте описание протокола TCP, например если пакет был уменьшен, то приемник ACK-нет меньшим сегментом и отправитель будет пересылать хвостик пакета до тех пор пока не получит подтверждение.И наоборот, если пакет увеличен то приемник ACK-нет большим значением чем ожидает отправитель. Принцип понятен?

              in reply to: Service doesn’t work after sleep #7006
              Vadim Smirnov

                In the sleep mode system may power down network interfaces thus changing the network adapters list. So in general after the system is back from the sleep mode you have to reinitialize adapters list and restart packet capturing using new adapter handles.

                in reply to: IOCTL_TDI_QUERY_DIRECT_SEND_HANDLER problem #7001
                Vadim Smirnov

                  May the prblem is in your driver load order. If SendHandler was registered before you have had a chance to modify the results then your code will be never called.

                  in reply to: изменение http пакета #6997
                  Vadim Smirnov

                    Если изменяется длина пакета, то нужно позаботится об изменении полей SEQ/ACK в TCP заголовке.

                    in reply to: WinPkFilter doesn’t work when I’m using VPN #6988
                    Vadim Smirnov

                      During driver installation system caches INF files and even if you uninstall the driver the cached INF stil remains in the system and used by default. Note to use fresh OS installation or clean up the system including INF/PNF cached files removal before using an updated INF.

                      in reply to: WinPkFilter doesn’t work when I’m using VPN #6985
                      Vadim Smirnov

                        That depends from the virtual network adapter. WinpkFilter NDIS IM driver is installed for “ethernet, wan” interfaces while VMWare virtual adapters have “nolower” type. For research purposes you can modify WinpkFilter INF files and add “nolower” to “ethernet, wan” but note that this may add filtering for the network interfaces you were not supposed to filter on.

                        in reply to: WinPkFilter doesn’t work when I’m using VPN #6983
                        Vadim Smirnov

                          From your post it is difficult to understand what exactly did not work and what have you expected. If you need an answer please describe the problem in the details.

                          in reply to: what is the different between Individual And the Free Ver? #6979
                          Vadim Smirnov

                            There is no difference except license terms. You can’t redistribute Free version modules or use it for any commercial needs.

                            in reply to: Not seeing many 3G/Mobile broaband adapters #6978
                            Vadim Smirnov

                              Under Windows 3G mobile adapters normally appear as WAN adapter under NDISWANIP device of install their own virtual miniport (visible as LAN or WiFi connection). For the first case it is enough to filter NDSWANIP device, for the second you must track when new network connection becomes available and capture on this newly added network interface.

                              Another type of mobile broadband drivers (NDIS 6.2) was added by Windows 7. In the meantime these adapters can’t be intercepted by WinpkFilter NDIS IM driver. We are working on the adding NDIS LWF driver to WinpkFilter set of drivers to support this new stack.

                              in reply to: How to install Hook Driver #6976
                              Vadim Smirnov

                                If i just copied the sys file to system32 folder but not created the entries. In that case what will happen.

                                Nothing, driuver won’t be loaded.

                                Also tell me how to uninstall a hook driver.

                                Remove registry key and driver binary from the system.

                                in reply to: How to install Hook Driver #6974
                                Vadim Smirnov
                                Viewing 15 posts - 736 through 750 (of 1,486 total)