Vadim Smirnov

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  • in reply to: how could i start #7173
    Vadim Smirnov

      Besides programming skills it would be nice to have a strong knowledge of TCP/IP networks.

      in reply to: how could i start #7171
      Vadim Smirnov

        I would recommend you to take a look at Internet Gateway (implements simple NAT solution), LAN HTTP Monitor (implements HTTP redirector and HTTP proxy).

        Actually Internet Gateway implements topic number 1. It allows one system to share Internet to several other systems.

        Topic number 2 can be implemented sing techniques demonstrated by LAN HTTP Monitor. Instead of redirecting to proxy you can redirect to your own HTTP authentication page.

        Topic 3 is an easy addition to previous ones.

        in reply to: Start a captive portal #7170
        Vadim Smirnov

          Antamedia solution is based on WinpkFilter driver. In order to start you may want to look at Internet Gateway and LAN HTTP Monitor samples code.

          in reply to: Problem with Winpkfilter #7168
          Vadim Smirnov

            If your application is slow in reading and processing packets and driver queue grows fast enough then this is possible to start loosing packets for other network interfaces.

            in reply to: Regarding Static Filter Table #7166
            Vadim Smirnov

              If you had not set tunnel mode for the 3rd adapter then it will send/receive packets as before and ignore filters set.

              in reply to: NAT server based on Internet Gateway Sample #7164
              Vadim Smirnov

                Internet Gateway is a sample application and does not pretend to be a full featured and performance optimized solution. Although there are ways to improve it.

                in reply to: Filter.cpp questions #7159
                Vadim Smirnov

                  1) This is so called default filter which defines the action for the packets which were not selected by other filters.
                  2) The default action in this case is FILTER_PACKET_REDIRECT
                  3) All zeroes entry will be skipped.

                  in reply to: Installing your Driver #7158
                  Vadim Smirnov

                    For this request please contact support(at) with other details.

                    in reply to: Installing your Driver #7156
                    Vadim Smirnov

                      That depends from the OS you installing on. The functions for NSIS installer are below:

                      Function InstallNDISHookDriverNT2000XP
                      SetOutPath $SYSDIRdrivers
                      File ......Kernelbinhookdrvi386ndisrd.sys
                      !insertmacro CreateRegKey ${HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE} SystemCurrentControlSetServicesndisrd
                      WriteRegDWORD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesndisrd Start 1
                      WriteRegDWORD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesndisrd Type 1
                      WriteRegDWORD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesndisrd ErrorControl 1
                      ${If} ${IsWinNT4}
                      WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesndisrd Group "Network"
                      WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesndisrd Group "Streams Drivers"
                      SetRebootFlag true

                      Function InstallNDISHookDriver9x
                      SetOutPath $WINDIRsystem
                      File ......Kernelbinhookdrvwin9xndisrd.vxd
                      !insertmacro CreateRegKey ${HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE} SystemCurrentControlSetServicesVxDndisrd
                      WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesVxDndisrd StaticVxD "ndisrd.vxd"
                      SetRebootFlag true

                      Function InstallNDISIMDriver
                      SetOutPath $INSTDIRinstimtmp
                      ${If} ${RunningX64}
                      File ......Setupbinamd64DriverSigning.exe
                      File ......Setupbinamd64snetcfg.exe
                      File ......KernelINFndisrd.inf
                      File ......KernelINFndisrd_m.inf
                      File ......Kernelbinimdrvamd64ndisrd.sys
                      File ......Setupbini386DriverSigning.exe
                      File ......Setupbini386snetcfg.exe
                      File ......KernelINFndisrd.inf
                      File ......KernelINFndisrd_m.inf
                      File ......Kernelbinimdrvi386ndisrd.sys

                      nsExec::ExecToLog /OEM '"$INSTDIRinstimtmpDriverSigning.exe" /verbose /off'
                      nsExec::ExecToLog /OEM '"$INSTDIRinstimtmpsnetcfg.exe" -v -l ndisrd.inf -m ndisrd_m.inf -c s -i nt_ndisrd'
                      nsExec::ExecToLog /OEM '"$INSTDIRinstimtmpDriverSigning.exe" /verbose /on'

                      SetOutPath $INSTDIR
                      RMDir /r /REBOOTOK $INSTDIRinstimtmp

                      Function InstallLWFVista
                      SetOutPath $INSTDIRinstlwftmp
                      ${If} ${RunningX64}
                      File ......Setupbinamd64snetcfg.exe
                      File ......Setupbinamd64certinst.exe
                      File ......Kernelbinlwfvistaamd64packagendisrd_lwf.inf
                      File ......Kernelbinlwfvistaamd64packagendisrd.sys
                      File ......Setupbini386snetcfg.exe
                      File ......Setupbini386certinst.exe
                      File ......Kernelbinlwfvistai386packagendisrd_lwf.inf
                      File ......Kernelbinlwfvistai386packagendisrd.sys

                      File ......Setupcertroot.cer
                      nsExec::ExecToLog /OEM '"$INSTDIRinstlwftmpcertinst.exe" "$INSTDIRinstlwftmproot.cer"'
                      nsExec::ExecToLog /OEM '"$INSTDIRinstlwftmpsnetcfg.exe" -v -l ndisrd_lwf.inf -c s -i nt_ndisrd'

                      SetOutPath $INSTDIR
                      RMDir /r /REBOOTOK $INSTDIRinstlwftmp

                      Function InstallLWF7
                      SetOutPath $INSTDIRinstlwftmp
                      ${If} ${RunningX64}
                      File ......Setupbinamd64snetcfg.exe
                      File ......Setupbinamd64certinst.exe
                      File ......Kernelbinlwfwin7amd64packagendisrd_lwf.inf
                      File ......Kernelbinlwfwin7amd64packagendisrd.sys
                      File ......Setupbini386snetcfg.exe
                      File ......Setupbini386certinst.exe
                      File ......Kernelbinlwfwin7i386packagendisrd_lwf.inf
                      File ......Kernelbinlwfwin7i386packagendisrd.sys

                      File ......Setupcertroot.cer
                      nsExec::ExecToLog /OEM '"$INSTDIRinstlwftmpcertinst.exe" "$INSTDIRinstlwftmproot.cer"'
                      nsExec::ExecToLog /OEM '"$INSTDIRinstlwftmpsnetcfg.exe" -v -l ndisrd_lwf.inf -c s -i nt_ndisrd'

                      SetOutPath $INSTDIR
                      RMDir /r /REBOOTOK $INSTDIRinstlwftmp

                      Function InstallLWF8
                      SetOutPath $INSTDIRinstlwftmp
                      ${If} ${RunningX64}
                      File ......Setupbinamd64snetcfg.exe
                      File ......Setupbinamd64certinst.exe
                      File ......Kernelbinlwfwin8amd64packagendisrd_lwf.inf
                      File ......Kernelbinlwfwin8amd64packagendisrd.sys
                      File ......Setupbini386snetcfg.exe
                      File ......Setupbini386certinst.exe
                      File ......Kernelbinlwfwin8i386packagendisrd_lwf.inf
                      File ......Kernelbinlwfwin8i386packagendisrd.sys

                      File ......Setupcertroot.cer
                      nsExec::ExecToLog /OEM '"$INSTDIRinstlwftmpcertinst.exe" "$INSTDIRinstlwftmproot.cer"'
                      nsExec::ExecToLog /OEM '"$INSTDIRinstlwftmpsnetcfg.exe" -v -l ndisrd_lwf.inf -c s -i nt_ndisrd'

                      SetOutPath $INSTDIR
                      RMDir /r /REBOOTOK $INSTDIRinstlwftmp

                      Function InstallNDISLWFDriver
                      SetOutPath $INSTDIRinstlwftmp

                      ${If} ${IsWinVista}
                      ${OrIf} ${IsWin2008}
                      call InstallLWFVista

                      ${If} ${IsWin7}
                      ${OrIf} ${IsWin2008R2}
                      call InstallLWF7

                      call InstallLWF8

                      Function InstallWinpkFilterDriver
                      ${If} ${AtLeastWinVista}
                      call InstallNDISLWFDriver
                      GoTo post

                      StrCmp $bIMUsed "1" 0 +3
                      call InstallNDISIMDriver
                      GoTo post
                      ${If} ${RunningX64}
                      ${OrIf} ${AtLeastWinXP}
                      call InstallNDISIMDriver
                      ${ElseIf} ${IsNT}
                      call InstallNDISHookDriverNT2000XP
                      call InstallNDISHookDriver9x


                      #Kernel components
                      SetOutPath $INSTDIRKernelbindlli386
                      File ......Kernelbindlli386ndisapi.dll
                      File ......Kernelbindlli386ndisapi.lib

                      SetOutPath $INSTDIRKernelbindllamd64
                      File ......Kernelbindllamd64ndisapi.dll
                      File ......Kernelbindllamd64ndisapi.lib

                      WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGKEY}" NDISIMUsed $bIMUsed
                      WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGKEY}Components" Main $availDrv

                      Call EnableRouter

                      in reply to: Ip Blocking from domain #7155
                      Vadim Smirnov

                        You can query all IP addresses corresponding

                        Addresses: 2a00:1450:4002:800::1003
                        and monitor packets to/from these IP’s. If you suspect that IP of may change you can also monitor DNS queries and update the domain IP list accordingly.

                        in reply to: MSVC 2012/ 2010 #7152
                        Vadim Smirnov

                          The problem caused by -DUNICODE compiler switch. If you want your project to use UNICODE then you have to recompile ndisapi.dll as UNICODE either. For backward compatibility with earlier versions of Windows ndisapi.dll distributed within WinpkFilter package is built as multibyte.

                          in reply to: NtKernel filter best performance for reinjecting traffic #7153
                          Vadim Smirnov

                            ReadPackets/SendPacketsToXXX were added to reduce number of user/kernel context switches and thus increase the performance.

                            The easiest approach would be processing packets one by one in one thread, however, if you use multiply threads for and still want to take an advantage of SendPacketsToXXX API calls I would keep an internal queue of packets for each network interface which are ready to send to driver (actually two queues, one for outgoing and one for incoming packets). Queue should be sent to driver on one of two events:
                            1) Queue size reached its “immediate sent” size
                            2) Timeout occurs

                            Size and timeout should be dynamic parameters adjusted depending on the amount of packets you get from the driver. E.g. the faster you read packets from the driver the less the timeout.

                            in reply to: STATIC FILTER using VB #7148
                            Vadim Smirnov

                              Yes, Windows 2000 is supported, although the driver installed for that OS is different from the one used for XP or Vista and later.

                              If you can collect the crash dump (kernel or full) we could check what has happened. I suspect this could we a sort of software conflict if you have firewalling/AV software installed.

                              in reply to: STATIC FILTER using VB #7146
                              Vadim Smirnov


                                I nearly have no experience in VB, but there is a C sample filter.cpp which has a scenario to redirect only DNS packets for processing by WinpkFilter application.

                                This sample scenario can be easily modified to intercept only DNS queries destined to local DNS server this way:

                                pFilters->m_TableSize = 2;

                                // 1. Incoming DNS requests filter: REDIRECT IN UDP packets with destination PORT 53
                                // Common values
                                pFilters->m_StaticFilters[0].m_Adapter.QuadPart = 0; // applied to all adapters
                                pFilters->m_StaticFilters[0].m_ValidFields = NETWORK_LAYER_VALID | TRANSPORT_LAYER_VALID;
                                pFilters->m_StaticFilters[0].m_FilterAction = FILTER_PACKET_REDIRECT;
                                pFilters->m_StaticFilters[0].m_dwDirectionFlags = PACKET_FLAG_ON_RECEIVE;

                                // Network layer filter
                                pFilters->m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = IPV4;
                                pFilters->m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_ValidFields = IP_V4_FILTER_PROTOCOL;
                                pFilters->m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_Protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;

                                // Transport layer filter
                                pFilters->m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = TCPUDP;
                                pFilters->m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_ValidFields = TCPUDP_SRC_PORT;
                                pFilters->m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_DestPort.m_StartRange = 53; // DNS
                                pFilters->m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_DestPort.m_EndRange = 53;

                                // 2. Pass all packets (skipped by previous filters) without processing in user mode
                                // Common values
                                pFilters->m_StaticFilters[1].m_Adapter.QuadPart = 0; // applied to all adapters
                                pFilters->m_StaticFilters[1].m_ValidFields = 0;
                                pFilters->m_StaticFilters[1].m_FilterAction = FILTER_PACKET_PASS;
                                pFilters->m_StaticFilters[1].m_dwDirectionFlags = PACKET_FLAG_ON_RECEIVE | PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND;


                                The filter you showed in your initial post should select only outgoing DNS queries, not incoming ones.

                                in reply to: Winpk filter on Windows 7 #7138
                                Vadim Smirnov

                                  From what I can see WinpkFilter is installed and works. An example these are definitely your ICMP PING packets:

                                  9 – MSTCP –> Interface
                                  Packet size = 74
                                  Source MAC: C0A8010CC0A8
                                  Destination MAC: 000080016CC3

                                  8 – Interface –> MSTCP
                                  Packet size = 74
                                  Source MAC: C0A80102C0A8
                                  Destination MAC: 0000800164E8

                                  But for some reason packet is not correctly parsed by passthru sample. This may be caused by version mismatch between driver and passthru application (INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER structure was changed several times in last versions and it is important to use driver and application built on the same common.h).

                                Viewing 15 posts - 631 through 645 (of 1,476 total)