Forum Replies Created
That depends on how Microsoft is going to release it. If Windows 10 supposed to work on Raspberry Pi 2 is going to be similar to Windows RT (where you can’t install anything besides Windows Update or applications from Windows Store) then the answer is probably no.
However, I don’t see much sense in releasing restricted OS for such device like Raspberry Pi 2 because you just won’t have any chance to extend it with custom hardware by installing appropriate drivers. So there is a little hope that platform will be at least as opened as x86 Windows 10 and we will be able to run custom drivers on it. If it happens then yes, just need to build WinpkFilter for ARM.
January 13, 2015 at 2:54 pm in reply to: Is silent install of Windows Packet Filter Kit possible? #7197WinpkFilter Runtime & Tools is not supposed to be redistributed, so it does not support silent install. However, it is not a big deal to build an installer which installs WinpkFilter drivers only and our customers have all necessary components to build such an installer.
December 17, 2014 at 8:48 am in reply to: Filter setup to redirect everything except one ip/port #7195Packet is matched against the filters list and first matching filter action is applied. So there is probably something wrong with your first filter.
You can use IP Helper API to retrieve current connections table and starting Windows XP this table also contains process ID. You can use IP/Port information from the packet to find the corresponding connection in that table and thus identify the process.
Do you use VB.NET for your project? I think I could create a CLS-compliant assembly wrapper for ndisapi.dll to resolve difficulties of this kind…
sizeof(STATIC_FILTER) = 181 bytes
Filter related structures were updated, but it should be enough to recompile your code with latest header files to fix any possible incompatibilities.
Windows Packet Filter Kit 3.2.3 released:
– Fixed compatibility issue with WinGate
– Added C# Filter sampleIf you are eligible for a free update, please send the following details to tо receive an update instruction:
1) Your order ID.
2) An approximate date of purchasing.I have ported filter sample to C#. Please refer the code below:
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
using NdisApiWrapper;
namespace Filter
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length < 2)
"Command line syntax:ntfilter.exe index scenario ntindex - network interface index.ntscenario - sample set of filters to load.ntYou can use ListAdapters to determine correct index.");
Console.WriteLine("Available Scenarios:");
Console.WriteLine("1 - Redirect only IPv4 DNS packets for processing in user mode.");
Console.WriteLine("2 - Redirect only HTTP(TCP port 80) packets for processing in user mode. Both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.");
Console.WriteLine("3 - Drop all IPv4 ICMP packets. Redirect all other packets to user mode (default behaviour).");
Console.WriteLine("4 - Block IPv4 access to Pass all other packets without processing in user mode.");
Console.WriteLine("5 - Redirect only ARP/RARP packets to user mode. Pass all others.");
var adapterIndex = uint.Parse(args[0]);
var scena = uint.Parse(args[1]);
var driverPtr = Ndisapi.OpenFilterDriver();
if (!Ndisapi.IsDriverLoaded(driverPtr))
Console.WriteLine("Driver not installed on this system of failed to load.");
// Retrieve adapter list
var adapters = new TCP_AdapterList();
Ndisapi.GetTcpipBoundAdaptersInfo(driverPtr, ref adapters);
// Set tunnel mode for the selected network interface
var mode = new ADAPTER_MODE
hAdapterHandle = adapters.m_nAdapterHandle[adapterIndex]
Ndisapi.SetAdapterMode(driverPtr, ref mode);
// Create and set event for the adapter
var manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
Ndisapi.SetPacketEvent(driverPtr, adapters.m_nAdapterHandle[adapterIndex], manualResetEvent.SafeWaitHandle);
var filtersTable = new STATIC_FILTER_TABLE();
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters = new STATIC_FILTER[256];
case 1:
filtersTable.m_TableSize = 3;
// 1. Outgoing DNS requests filter: REDIRECT OUT UDP packets with destination PORT 53
// Common values
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_Adapter = 0; // applied to all adapters
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.NETWORK_LAYER_VALID | Ndisapi.TRANSPORT_LAYER_VALID;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_FilterAction = Ndisapi.FILTER_PACKET_REDIRECT;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_dwDirectionFlags = Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND;
// Network layer filter
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.IPV4;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.IP_V4_FILTER_PROTOCOL;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_Protocol = 17; //IPPROTO_UDP
// Transport layer filter
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.TCPUDP;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.TCPUDP_DEST_PORT;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_DestPort.m_StartRange = 53; // DNS
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_DestPort.m_EndRange = 53;
// 2. Incoming DNS responses filter: REDIRECT IN UDP packets with source PORT 53
// Common values
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_Adapter = 0; // applied to all adapters
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.NETWORK_LAYER_VALID | Ndisapi.TRANSPORT_LAYER_VALID;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_FilterAction = Ndisapi.FILTER_PACKET_REDIRECT;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_dwDirectionFlags = Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_RECEIVE;
// Network layer filter
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_NetworkFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.IPV4;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.IP_V4_FILTER_PROTOCOL;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_Protocol = 17;//IPPROTO_UDP
// Transport layer filter
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_TransportFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.TCPUDP;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.TCPUDP_SRC_PORT;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_SourcePort.m_StartRange = 53; // DNS
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_SourcePort.m_EndRange = 53;
// 3. Pass all packets (skipped by previous filters) without processing in user mode
// Common values
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_Adapter = 0; // applied to all adapters
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_ValidFields = 0;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_FilterAction = Ndisapi.FILTER_PACKET_PASS;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_dwDirectionFlags = Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_RECEIVE | Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND;
case 2:
filtersTable.m_TableSize = 5;
// 1. Outgoing HTTP requests filter: REDIRECT OUT TCP packets with destination PORT 80 IPv4
// Common values
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_Adapter = 0; // applied to all adapters
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.NETWORK_LAYER_VALID | Ndisapi.TRANSPORT_LAYER_VALID;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_FilterAction = Ndisapi.FILTER_PACKET_REDIRECT;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_dwDirectionFlags = Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND;
// Network layer filter
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.IPV4;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.IP_V4_FILTER_PROTOCOL;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_Protocol = 6;//IPPROTO_TCP
// Transport layer filter
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.TCPUDP;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.TCPUDP_DEST_PORT;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_DestPort.m_StartRange = 80; // HTTP
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_DestPort.m_EndRange = 80;
// 2. Incoming HTTP responses filter: REDIRECT IN TCP packets with source PORT 80 IPv4
// Common values
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_Adapter = 0; // applied to all adapters
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.NETWORK_LAYER_VALID | Ndisapi.TRANSPORT_LAYER_VALID;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_FilterAction = Ndisapi.FILTER_PACKET_REDIRECT;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_dwDirectionFlags = Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_RECEIVE;
// Network layer filter
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_NetworkFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.IPV4;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.IP_V4_FILTER_PROTOCOL;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_Protocol = 6; //IPPROTO_TCP
// Transport layer filter
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_TransportFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.TCPUDP;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.TCPUDP_SRC_PORT;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_SourcePort.m_StartRange = 80; // HTTP
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_SourcePort.m_EndRange = 80;
// 3. Outgoing HTTP requests filter: REDIRECT OUT TCP packets with destination PORT 80 IPv6
// Common values
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_Adapter = 0; // applied to all adapters
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.NETWORK_LAYER_VALID | Ndisapi.TRANSPORT_LAYER_VALID;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_FilterAction = Ndisapi.FILTER_PACKET_REDIRECT;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_dwDirectionFlags = Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND;
// Network layer filter
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_NetworkFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.IPV6;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.IP_V6_FILTER_PROTOCOL;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_Protocol = 6; //IPPROTO_TCP
// Transport layer filter
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_TransportFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.TCPUDP;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.TCPUDP_DEST_PORT;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_DestPort.m_StartRange = 80; // HTTP
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_DestPort.m_EndRange = 80;
// 4. Incoming HTTP responses filter: REDIRECT IN TCP packets with source PORT 80 IPv6
// Common values
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[3].m_Adapter = 0; // applied to all adapters
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[3].m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.NETWORK_LAYER_VALID | Ndisapi.TRANSPORT_LAYER_VALID;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[3].m_FilterAction = Ndisapi.FILTER_PACKET_REDIRECT;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[3].m_dwDirectionFlags = Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_RECEIVE;
// Network layer filter
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[3].m_NetworkFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.IPV6;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[3].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.IP_V6_FILTER_PROTOCOL;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[3].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_Protocol = 6;// IPPROTO_TCP
// Transport layer filter
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[3].m_TransportFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.TCPUDP;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[3].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.TCPUDP_SRC_PORT;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[3].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_SourcePort.m_StartRange = 80; // HTTP
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[3].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_SourcePort.m_EndRange = 80;
// 5. Pass all packets (skipped by previous filters) without processing in user mode
// Common values
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[4].m_Adapter = 0; // applied to all adapters
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[4].m_ValidFields = 0;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[4].m_FilterAction = Ndisapi.FILTER_PACKET_PASS;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[4].m_dwDirectionFlags = Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_RECEIVE | Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND;
case 3:
filtersTable.m_TableSize = 5;
// 1. Block all ICMP packets
// Common values
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_Adapter = 0; // applied to all adapters
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.NETWORK_LAYER_VALID;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_FilterAction = Ndisapi.FILTER_PACKET_DROP;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_dwDirectionFlags = Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND | Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_RECEIVE;
// Network layer filter
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.IPV4;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.IP_V4_FILTER_PROTOCOL;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_Protocol = 1;//IPPROTO_ICMP
case 4:
filtersTable.m_TableSize = 2;
// 1. Outgoing HTTP requests filter: DROP OUT TCP packets with destination IP PORT 80 (
// Common values
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_Adapter = 0; // applied to all adapters
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.NETWORK_LAYER_VALID | Ndisapi.TRANSPORT_LAYER_VALID;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_FilterAction = Ndisapi.FILTER_PACKET_DROP;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_dwDirectionFlags = Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND;
// Network layer filter
var address = new in_addr();
var mask = new in_addr();
// IP address
address.s_b1 = 23;
address.s_b2 = 97;
address.s_b3 = 138;
address.s_b4 = 240;
// Network mask
mask.s_b1 = 255;
mask.s_b2 = 255;
mask.s_b3 = 255;
mask.s_b4 = 255;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.IPV4;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.IP_V4_FILTER_PROTOCOL | Ndisapi.IP_V4_FILTER_DEST_ADDRESS;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_DestAddress.m_AddressType = Ndisapi.IP_SUBNET_V4_TYPE;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_DestAddress.m_IpSubnet.m_Ip = address.s_addr; // IP address
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_DestAddress.m_IpSubnet.m_IpMask = mask.s_addr; // network mask
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_NetworkFilter.m_IPv4.m_Protocol = 6; //IPPROTO_TCP
// Transport layer filter
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.TCPUDP;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.TCPUDP_DEST_PORT;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_DestPort.m_StartRange = 80; // HTTP
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_TransportFilter.m_TcpUdp.m_DestPort.m_EndRange = 80;
// 2. Pass all packets (skipped by previous filters) without processing in user mode
// Common values
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_Adapter = 0; // applied to all adapters
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_ValidFields = 0;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_FilterAction = Ndisapi.FILTER_PACKET_PASS;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_dwDirectionFlags = Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_RECEIVE | Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND;
case 5:
filtersTable.m_TableSize = 3;
// 1. Redirects all ARP packets to be processes by user mode application
// Common values
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_Adapter = 0; // applied to all adapters
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.DATA_LINK_LAYER_VALID;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_FilterAction = Ndisapi.FILTER_PACKET_REDIRECT;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_dwDirectionFlags = Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND | Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_RECEIVE;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_DataLinkFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.ETH_802_3;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_DataLinkFilter.m_Eth8023Filter.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.ETH_802_3_PROTOCOL;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[0].m_DataLinkFilter.m_Eth8023Filter.m_Protocol = 0x0806; // ETH_P_ARP;
// 1. Redirects all RARP packets to be processes by user mode application
// Common values
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_Adapter = 0; // applied to all adapters
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.DATA_LINK_LAYER_VALID;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_FilterAction = Ndisapi.FILTER_PACKET_REDIRECT;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_dwDirectionFlags = Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND | Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_RECEIVE;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_DataLinkFilter.m_dwUnionSelector = Ndisapi.ETH_802_3;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_DataLinkFilter.m_Eth8023Filter.m_ValidFields = Ndisapi.ETH_802_3_PROTOCOL;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[1].m_DataLinkFilter.m_Eth8023Filter.m_Protocol = 0x0806; // ETH_P_ARP;
// 2. Pass all packets (skipped by previous filters) without processing in user mode
// Common values
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_Adapter = 0; // applied to all adapters
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_ValidFields = 0;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_FilterAction = Ndisapi.FILTER_PACKET_PASS;
filtersTable.m_StaticFilters[2].m_dwDirectionFlags = Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_RECEIVE | Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND;
Console.WriteLine ("Unknown test scenario specified. Exiting.");
// Load filters into driver
Ndisapi.SetPacketFilterTable(driverPtr, ref filtersTable);
// Allocate and initialize packet structures
var request = new ETH_REQUEST();
var buffer = new INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER();
var bufferPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(buffer));
Win32Api.ZeroMemory(bufferPtr, Marshal.SizeOf(buffer));
request.hAdapterHandle = adapters.m_nAdapterHandle[adapterIndex];
request.EthPacket.Buffer = bufferPtr;
while (Ndisapi.ReadPacket(driverPtr, ref request))
buffer = (INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(bufferPtr, typeof(INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER));
WriteToConsole(buffer, bufferPtr);
if (buffer.m_dwDeviceFlags == Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND)
Ndisapi.SendPacketToAdapter(driverPtr, ref request);
Ndisapi.SendPacketToMstcp(driverPtr, ref request);
catch (Exception ex)
private unsafe static void WriteToConsole(INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER packetBuffer, IntPtr packetBufferPtr)
Console.WriteLine(packetBuffer.m_dwDeviceFlags == Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND ? "nMSTCP --> Interface" : "nInterface --> MSTCP");
Console.WriteLine("Packet size = {0}", packetBuffer.m_Length);
var ethernetHeader = (ETHER_HEADER*)((byte*)packetBufferPtr + (Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER), "m_IBuffer")).ToInt32());
"tETHERNET {0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}{3:X2}{4:X2}{5:X2} --> {6:X2}{7:X2}{8:X2}{9:X2}{10:X2}{11:X2}",
switch (ntohs(ethernetHeader->proto))
var ipHeader = (IPHeader*)((byte*)ethernetHeader + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ETHER_HEADER)));
var sourceAddress = new IPAddress(ipHeader->Src);
var destinationAddress = new IPAddress(ipHeader->Dest);
Console.WriteLine("tIP {0} --> {1} PROTOCOL: {2}", sourceAddress, destinationAddress, ipHeader->P);
var tcpHeader = ipHeader->P == IPHeader.IPPROTO_TCP ? (TcpHeader*)((byte*)ipHeader + ((ipHeader->IPLenVer) & 0xF) * 4) : null;
var udpHeader = ipHeader->P == IPHeader.IPPROTO_UDP ? (UdpHeader*)((byte*)ipHeader + ((ipHeader->IPLenVer) & 0xF) * 4) : null;
if (udpHeader != null)
Console.WriteLine("tUDP SRC PORT: {0} DST PORT: {1}", ntohs(udpHeader->th_sport), ntohs(udpHeader->th_dport));
if (tcpHeader != null)
Console.WriteLine("tTCP SRC PORT: {0} DST PORT: {1}", ntohs(tcpHeader->th_sport), ntohs(tcpHeader->th_dport));
Console.WriteLine("tReverse Addr Res packet");
Console.WriteLine("tAddress Resolution packet");
static ushort ntohs(ushort netshort)
var hostshort = (ushort)(((netshort >> 8) & 0x00FF) | ((netshort << 8) & 0xFF00));
return hostshort;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 4)]
internal struct in_addr
internal byte s_b1;
internal byte s_b2;
internal byte s_b3;
internal byte s_b4;
internal ushort s_w1;
internal ushort s_w2;
internal uint S_addr;
/// can be used for most tcp & ip code
internal uint s_addr
get { return S_addr; }
/// host on imp
internal byte s_host
get { return s_b2; }
/// network
internal byte s_net
get { return s_b1; }
/// imp
internal ushort s_imp
get { return s_w2; }
/// imp #
internal byte s_impno
get { return s_b4; }
/// logical host
internal byte s_lh
get { return s_b3; }
Does a .NET wrapper exist for WinpkFilter?
Yes, WinpkFilter package has an interface for C# as well as C# basic samples.
Does a .NET version of the Internet Gateway sample application exist?
Regretfully only C++ version of Internet Gateway is available.
We need the functionality of the PassThru & Gateway samples but we also need to understand what we are doing a bit more. The goal is to add additional filtering rules in the future.
There is a C# PassThru sample in the package and it may the a good start point to grasp the basics of WinpkFilter. Internet Gateway only adds GUI interface and basic NAT functionality. Also, I can add that WinpkFilter has built-in filters, the sample code is available in filters.cpp, C++ version only but it is very simple and easy to understand.
For example, the PassThru example shows a SetPacketEvent call but no way to understand how to use this event… or the various modes, or the “SendPacket” operations.
SetPacketEvent registers an event object within the driver. This event is signaled by driver when packet queue is non empty, by other words you have packets to read from the driver.
For your project you can be only interested in tunnel modes, because listen mode does not allow to drop or modify packets.
SendPacketXXX/SendPacketsXXX re-inject packets back into the network stack.
My goal is to create a Gateway service to examine combinations of several variables (all read from a file):
– Client IP Address (static or wildcard)
– Client MAC Address (static or wildcard)
– Destination IP Address (static or wildcard)
– Destination Port (static or wildcard)The service must either drop the packet(s) or pass them along to the external interface.
Such simple functionality can be implemented on top of built-in WinpkFilter static filters. For the sample usage of these filters please refer FILTER.CPP (C++ Filter sample).
If you prefer to filter packets on your own then the basic start point for your application is PassThru sample. When you want to to drop the packet after examination just don’t call SendPacketXXX for this packet and continue the loop.
Please refer wwwcensor sample. This sample generates an HTTP response when specific web page should be blocked. Instead blocking you can generate HTTP redirect page.
To block IP addresses you should take PassThru sample as a base. MSVC sample of this utility demonstrates parsing packet for IP address.
Windows Packet Filter Kit 3.2.0 released:
– Fixed compatibility issues (covers but not limited to) with Cisco AnyConnect VPN, Yes Go 4G USB modem, Vodafone/HUAWEI USB modems
– Extended built-in filters compatibility:
– Added counters for incoming/outgoing packets/bytes
– Added TCP flagsIf you are eligible for a free update, please send the following details to tо receive an update instruction:
1) Your order ID.
2) An approximate date of purchasing.Yes of course, this is possible. And we have customers who built their solutions using C#. Personally because of strong type control in C# I find it not that convenient when parsing packet protocol headers.