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Hi, the Wi-Fi hotspot feature requires a special mode to be activated on the Wi-Fi adapter, and this may affect the performance of your Internet access over Wi-Fi network. So, a couple of questions:
- Is the Wi-Fi adapter your only internet connection?
- Are you experiencing Wi-Fi internet degradation without using Wiresock?
Можно побольше информации? Если речь про Wiresock VPN Gateway, то надо переконфигурировать его из режима proxy в NAT. Proxy поддерживает только TCP и UDP.
Hi, yes you are right and in fact I already have a tray icon project. I will finish the first simple version as soon as I have spare time. Hopefully, next weekend.
If this is the exact command line
wiresock-client.exe run -config C:\Program Files\WireSock VPN Client\bin\config.conf -log-level all -lac
,then you must either add quotes (path contains spaces) or remove the full path (wiresock checks the \bin folder for a config file):
wiresock-client.exe run -config "C:\Program Files\WireSock VPN Client\bin\config.conf" -log-level all -lac
wiresock-client.exe run -config config.conf -log-level all -lac
Hope it helps!
Тут или путь к wireguard.exe (обычно это
C:\Program Files\WireGuard
) не был добавлен в PATH (wireguard-installer.exe его должен был добавить) или забыли консоль перезапустить после установки wireguard-installer.exe. Если в PATH его нет, то добавьте вручную и перезапустите powershell.August 31, 2022 at 1:05 pm in reply to: WireSock VPN Gateway и тунель через WireGuard Windows Client #12332Если виснет при неработающем WireSock VPN Gateway, значит дело не в нем, а в WireGuard Windows Client v0.5.3 и/или, что менее вероятно, его совместимости с Windows 7 (OS уже старенькая, могли не протестировать).
WireGuard Windows Client v0.3.16 год назад прекрасно справлялся с множественными тоннелями, но, если не ошибаюсь, это еще была версия построенная на основе wireguard-go и WinTun…
August 30, 2022 at 2:29 pm in reply to: WireSock VPN Gateway и тунель через WireGuard Windows Client #12329Добрый день!
Любопытно, дело в том, что похоже, что именно такую конфигурацию я строил тут. Боюсь что-то могли поломать в самом WireGuard Windows Client, к сожалению переход на модуль ядра не добавил ему стабильности.
Для начала попробуйте остановить службу WireSock VPN Gateway, в сущности это всего лишь NAT/PROXY для клиентов подключающихся к серверному тоннелю. Если при неактивной службе подвисание с двумя тоннелями повторится, то тут надо разбираться, что поломали в WireGuard клиенте и возможно откатится на старую версию.
В противном случае для начала попробуйте изменить режим работы WireSock VPN Gateway с PROXY на NAT или наоборот. Эти режимы довольно значительно отличаются, возможно будет какая-то разница в поведении.
Hmm, I suspect that this termination may be due to the panic of the Boringtun library on some particular network packet. Could you collect and share the pcap files by running the Wiresock with
-log-level all
until the application unexpectedly exits?August 26, 2022 at 2:32 pm in reply to: [WireSock] Can’t tunnel cmd or powershell using AllowedApps #12324Yes, if you add “powershell” to AllowedApps then this request will be tunneled.
August 26, 2022 at 1:33 pm in reply to: [WireSock] Can’t tunnel cmd or powershell using AllowedApps #12322The Windows API only allows you to get the process context for the TCP and UDP protocols. So, ping.exe sending ICMP packets cannot be resolved and therefore not tunneled.
The simplest alternative would probably be a simple UDP based pinger, which can be easily implemented in Golang.
August 26, 2022 at 12:04 pm in reply to: [WireSock] Can’t tunnel cmd or powershell using AllowedApps #12320I just did a quick powershell test with the command line below, and it was correctly intercepted and redirected through the tunnel:
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "wiresock-gateway-x64.msi"
I suspect you are expecting child processes launched from cmd or powershell to be tunneled. Note, however, that these child processes have different names and are therefore skipped by the filter. Of course, it is possible to extend the filter for child processes, but initially, I had no such intention.
August 16, 2022 at 1:24 pm in reply to: WinpkFilter detecting missed traffic and internal queue size #12312I wanted to ask about that for a while now, would you say Fast I/O should be faster than events-based approach?
Fast I/O is not about being faster than events-based approach. The main idea of Fast I/O is to guarantee minimum latency, i.e. the time interval between the arrival of a packet on the network adapter and the moment it begins to be processed.
Secondly, is there any way to figure out why ReadPacketsUnsorted fails (returns FALSE)?
Normally, it returns FALSE when there are no packets in the queue.
I also don’t see ReadPacketsUnsorted being used in the fastio_packet_filter class from the cpp examples.
It is not really necessary in you have the sufficient number of shared memory sections.
Also, slightly off-topic, but is there any way to get the packet timestamps out of the captured traffic? I find that getting it from std::chrono for every piece of captured traffic is having an impact on how well it performs and was wondering if I’ve just missed it. So far I’ve moved it out so that the timestamp is generated once for every batch of traffic and I wonder how inaccurate that will be.
The timestamp is not implemented in kernel mode, but if it is needed, then adding it to a custom build is not a big deal.
PS.: Just wanted to let you know that AddSecondaryFastIo is not in the documentation, but I saw how it’s used in the examples.
Thanks for the point. Since this was an experimental API, I postponed its documentation until later. And then I completely forgot about it.
Great! Thanks for the update! And yes, the comma “,” is the only delimiter. Quotes are not needed even if path has spaces.
Here it is. Please let me know how it goes 😉
Yes, that’s right. Both application name and full path name are available in the same context. E.g. “chrome.exe” and “C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe”. The code simply checks if the application name contains the string specified in AllowedApps/DisallowedApps. If you are interested, then I can change the application name to application full path name in the code and create the software build for you to test.