Kill Switch WiresockUI

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  • #13790


      First, I want to congratulate you on this amazing application.
      I’ve been using it for a few days and it works very well.

      There’s one thing I don’t understand: why do people ask to implement a Kill Switch if the app already works as one?

      My WiresockUI configuration:

      -Minimize to tray on start
      -Auto connect on start
      -Check updates
      -Show notification
      -Disable Auto-Admin

      VPN config:

      – No DNS configured
      – AllowedIPs =, ::/0
      – AllowedApps = firefox,Telegram
      – PersistentKeepalive = 25

      With the configuration above, WiresockUI did not start when Windows was turned on because my user is NOT ADMIN, so I did the following:
      – I copied a WiresockUI shortcut to: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

      – To ensure Wiresock is running before launching an application that needs VPN, I modified the shortcut properties of those apps, in the Target field:
      cmd.exe /c start “” “C:\Users\USER\Documents\WireSockUI-v0.2.6-AnyCPU-no-uwp\WireSockUI.exe” & start “” “C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe”

      DNS Config:

      DNS configured in the Firefox app itself to ensure DNS goes through the tunnel.
      Secured DNS, Always, Cloudflare, and ECH configured.

      Telegram already includes its own DNS, so it always goes through the VPN.

      I understand that if I wanted to add an application that I can’t configure DNS for, the DNS queries will be made through my WAN and not through my VPN.


      I don’t do anything and it works perfectly.
      If WiresockUI cannot establish a VPN, Firefox and Telegram do not work.
      If WiresockUI establishes a VPN and then I turn off the Wireguard SERVER, WiresockUI still indicates ACTIVE even though the VPN server is off, so Firefox and Telegram do not work.

      I think it’s perfect.

      So I don’t understand why people ask to implement a Kill Switch.

      One more question,
      I don’t see notifications in Windows when the VPN drops, should I see them? How does the “Show notification” check work?

      Thank you very much.

      Vadim Smirnov

        Thank you for your kind words. I believe users are requesting a specific ‘kill switch’ UI control. For instance, the official WireGuard for Windows includes a checkbox for this feature, which impacts the AllowedIPs settings.

        Regarding the notifications, I noticed that you are using a WireSock UI build without UWP. This version lacks certain features, including notifications, and was designed for compatibility with Windows 7.


          Thank you very much,

          I have Windows 11, so you recommend the version with UWP.
          From what I understood, people usually don’t recommend these versions for other programs.

          BUT if for WIRESOCKUI you recommend the UWP version, I’ll try it.

          Vadim Smirnov

            In this context, “no-UWP” simply means that a few classes unavailable on Windows 7 are excluded from this build. These classes are specifically used for Toast notifications and checking for new releases on GitHub. Aside from these exclusions, the builds are identical.


              Thank you,

              I switched to the version with UWP and updated to the newest one:

              It works perfectly. I have it configured the same as in the first comment, and now notifications are working.

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