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      What can I do to bridge or redirect ethernet packet to other interfaces???

      Vadim Smirnov

        If you ask about WinpkFilter, then you can do it using the SendPacketToMstcp (if you want packet to be indicated from the name of another interface to the local TCP/IP stack) and SendPacketToNetwork (if you want it to be sent over the network from the interface different from received one). For both calls you should use corresponding network interface handles, both routines can be called with difefrent handles for the same packet any times you want. One note, if you want to bridge WAN interface you should also modify MAC addresses in the packet (this is point-to-point connection and MAC’s are used to distinguish different connections), otherwise NDISWAN won’t be able to find the corresponding link and may even crash the system…


          I too so thought…
          I tried it before I have asked, but no packets sended to other interfaces.
          (even the Link/Act of adapter does not blink 🙂
          May be you have small working code example in any language?

          Vadim Smirnov

            I have not code for WinpkFilter, but the routines below demonstrate how I did it in Ethernet Bridge. Doing this using WinpkFilter is very similar. Please note, that you should also set NDIS flags NDIS_FLAGS_SKIP_LOOPBACK | NDIS_FLAGS_DONT_LOOPBACK before sending the packet over the network in order to avoid it to indicated back (in the code below it is done inside UF_SendPacketToAdapter but I did not provided it).

            VOID FLT_FilterReceivedPacket (
            NDIS_HANDLE NdisBindingHandle,
            PINTERMEDIATE_BUFFER pBuffer
            // Processing relative declarations
            PUSHORT pEtherType;

            //Adapter and protocol relative structures

            PPROTOCOL_ENTRY pProto;
            PADAPTER_ENTRY pAdapter, pReceivedAdapter;

            DbgPrint ( "FLT_FilterReceivedPacket pBuffer->m_Lengh = %d...n", pBuffer->m_Length );

            // DbgPrint ( "FLT_FilterReceivedPacket entered...n" );

            // .... process packet here....

            // We dump packet content here
            //DbgPrint ("nRCV:n");
            //DbgPrint ("MACS: DEST %.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X SOURCE: %.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2Xn",
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[0],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[1],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[2],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[3],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[4],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[5],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[6],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[7],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[8],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[9],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[10],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[11]
            // );

            pEtherType = (PUSHORT) pBuffer->m_IBuffer;
            pEtherType += ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS;

            /* switch( htons( *pEtherType ) )
            case ETHERTYPE_IP:
            DbgPrint ("IP packet: ");
            ipHdr = ( PIP_HEADER ) &pBuffer->m_IBuffer[MHdrSize];
            DbgPrint ( " %u.%u.%u.%u ---> %u.%u.%u.%un",
            case ETHERTYPE_ARP:
            DbgPrint ("ARP packet:");
            arpPkt = ( PARP_PACKET ) pBuffer->m_IBuffer;
            DbgPrint ( " %u.%u.%u.%u ---> %u.%u.%u.%u ?n",
            case ETHERTYPE_REVARP:
            DbgPrint ("REVARP packet:n");
            DbgPrint ("Uknown type n");
            // Simply indicate packet to protocol
            UF_SendPacketToProtocol (

            // Send packet to all other network interfaces if bridging enabled

            if ( g_BridgingStatus )
            // Locate adapter and protocol entryes associated with operation
            pReceivedAdapter = MF_FindAdapterByBindingHandle( NdisBindingHandle, &pProto);

            pAdapter = ( PADAPTER_ENTRY ) pProto -> m_AdaptersList.Flink;

            // Walk the list of binded adapters
            while ( pAdapter != ( PADAPTER_ENTRY ) &pProto -> m_AdaptersList )
            if ( pAdapter != pReceivedAdapter)
            // Packet was receved not from this adapter
            // Simply send packet onto this interface

            // DbgPrint ("Duplicating packet on the another interface...n");

            if (osMajorVersion == 5 && osMinorVersion > 0)
            UF_SendPacketToAdapter ( &pAdapter->m_XPOpenBlock, pBuffer );
            UF_SendPacketToAdapter ( &pAdapter->m_W2kOpenBlock, pBuffer );

            // Also indicate packet to TCPIP from the name of this interface
            if (osMajorVersion == 5 && osMinorVersion > 0)
            UF_SendPacketToProtocol (
            UF_SendPacketToProtocol (

            pAdapter = (PADAPTER_ENTRY) pAdapter->m_qLink.Flink;

            // Free intermediate buffer
            IB_FreeIntermediateBuffer ( pBuffer );

            // Name: FLT_FilterSendPacket
            // Description: Routine for filtering outgoing packets, place packet processing code
            // here
            // Return value: None
            // Parameters:
            // NdisBindingHandle - network interface binding handle
            // pBuffer - pointer to intermediate buffer
            // NOTE: None
            // **********************************************************************************

            VOID FLT_FilterSendPacket (
            NDIS_HANDLE NdisBindingHandle,
            PINTERMEDIATE_BUFFER pBuffer
            // Processing relative declarations
            PUSHORT pEtherType;

            //Adapter and protocol relative structures

            PPROTOCOL_ENTRY pProto;
            PADAPTER_ENTRY pAdapter, pSentAdapter;

            DbgPrint ( "FLT_FilterSendPacket pBuffer->m_Lengh = %d...n", pBuffer->m_Length );

            // DbgPrint ( "FLT_FilterSendPacket entered...n" );

            // .... process packet here....

            // We dump packet content here
            // DbgPrint ("nSEND:n");
            // DbgPrint ("MACS: DEST %.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X SOURCE: %.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2Xn",
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[0],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[1],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[2],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[3],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[4],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[5],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[6],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[7],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[8],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[9],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[10],
            // pBuffer->m_IBuffer[11]
            // );

            pEtherType = (PUSHORT) pBuffer->m_IBuffer;
            pEtherType += ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS;

            /* switch( htons( *pEtherType ) )
            case ETHERTYPE_IP:
            DbgPrint ("IP packet: ");
            ipHdr = ( PIP_HEADER ) &pBuffer->m_IBuffer[MHdrSize];
            DbgPrint ( " %u.%u.%u.%u ---> %u.%u.%u.%un",
            case ETHERTYPE_ARP:
            DbgPrint ("ARP packet:");
            arpPkt = ( PARP_PACKET ) pBuffer->m_IBuffer;
            DbgPrint ( " %u.%u.%u.%u ---> %u.%u.%u.%u ?n",
            case ETHERTYPE_REVARP:
            DbgPrint ("REVARP packet:n");
            DbgPrint ("Uknown type n");

            // Simply send packet onto network
            UF_SendPacketToAdapter (

            // Send packet to all other network interfaces if bridging enabled

            if ( g_BridgingStatus )
            // Locate adapter and protocol entryes associated with operation
            pSentAdapter = MF_FindAdapterByBindingHandle( NdisBindingHandle, &pProto);

            pAdapter = ( PADAPTER_ENTRY ) pProto -> m_AdaptersList.Flink;

            // Walk the list of binded adapters
            while ( pAdapter != ( PADAPTER_ENTRY ) &pProto -> m_AdaptersList )
            if ( pAdapter != pSentAdapter)
            // Packet was sent not to this adapter
            // Simply send packet onto this interface

            // DbgPrint ("Duplicating packet on the another interface...n");

            if (osMajorVersion == 5 && osMinorVersion > 0)
            UF_SendPacketToAdapter (
            UF_SendPacketToAdapter (

            pAdapter = (PADAPTER_ENTRY) pAdapter->m_qLink.Flink;

            // Free intermediate buffer
            IB_FreeIntermediateBuffer ( pBuffer );
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